How a Professional Lawn Fertilizer Program Can Help You Keep Your Chagrin Falls, OH, Yard Looking Great All Year Long

Having a well-fertilized lawn is the best-kept secret for a lush, green yard that stands out in your Chagrin Falls, OH, neighborhood. For the best results, lawn maintenance, including the use of lawn fertilizer, is a year-round process that culminates in healthy grass during the warm months. Here’s how a professional can keep your yard in tip-top shape all year.

Related: A Guide to Successful Fall Lawn Care in Chagrin Falls, OH

Why Fertilize?

Fertilizing your lawn is one key element that many people miss from their maintenance regimens when they try to do everything on their own. It’s important because it helps to keep weeds at bay; avoid yellow, patchy spots; and repel predatory insects that are drawn to weak, unhealthy grass. Proper nourishment for your lawn and other landscaped areas is essential for keeping it from sustaining damage during any season.

Treatment During Warm Months

Spring and summer are generally thought of as the times when lawn care is important. Even though lawn care is a year-round need, the warmer months bring special needs for grass. Fertilizing is important then while the grass has to endure hot temperatures combined with sunlight. Improper fertilization can cause the grass to die as it would be ill-prepared for this combo on its own.

Related: Benefits of Lawn Care and Fertilization for Your Chagrin Falls, OH, Landscape

With the right amount of nutrients, your lawn is prepared to turn these elements into a formula for beautiful green color and thick growth. A professional landscaper can make sure to fill in any sparse areas with additional seed and fertilizer to make sure your lawn is consistent. After fertilizer is applied, watering is important to allow the nutrients to be absorbed into the soil. Follow-up watering is also necessary as it rinses any fertilizer off the individual blades and into the roots where it’s needed. Ask your landscaper if a sprinkler system is an appropriate solution for the water needs of your lawn.

What’s Needed in the Cooler Season

How a Professional Lawn Fertilizer Program Can Help You Keep Your Chagrin Falls, OH, Yard Looking Great All Year Long

The fall and winter months tend to be when most homeowners neglect their lawns and cease caring for their landscape. But these months can make the difference between a winter-worn lawn in the springtime and a green yard that bounces back quickly. Fertilizing in the fall and winter is important for the grass to maintain its health through the beating it takes during this time. Between leaves falling, heavy rainfalls, and winter snow, grass can get smothered and become matted down. Properly fertilized grass more easily deals with the cold temperatures and lack of oxygen due to snow or leaf coverings. This means your grass won’t have annoying dead spots and thinned out blades. Because spring can roll around whenever it feels like it, a winter fertilizer ensures you don’t have to make a hurried rush to fertilize at the first sign of warmth. Your lawn will be ready and waiting for the warm weather!

Professional fertilizer programs are a must if a healthy-looking lawn is important to you. Such a beautifully cared for lawn can be more child- and pet-friendly by warding off pests while also greatly improving your home’s curb appeal. Save yourself the time, hassle, and guesswork of trying to resuscitate your lawn after a harsh season. Call us today to find out more about what your lawn needs to look its best!