Top 3 Lawn Care Essentials That Landscapers Near Me Recommend in Chagrin Falls, OH

Top 3 Lawn Care Essentials That Landscapers Near Me Recommend in Chagrin Falls, OH

Lawn care essentials can make a huge difference in your Chagrin Falls, OH landscape. When you utilize the services of a landscaper near me for lawn care tasks and maintenance, your lawn can be the envy of the neighborhood.

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Feeding Your Lawn

Regularly feeding your lawn can boost the overall health and growth of the grass plants. While the soil has some nutrients, most soil doesn’t have the amount or specific types of nutrients to feed the grass properly. 

This is where fertilizer that releases slowly over time can be a game-changer for your lawn. A lawn care professional can assess your grass type and soil to apply the perfect ratio of lawn nutrients. Here is what feeds your grass.

  • Nitrogen is the most used nutrient for your grass. It is essential ensuring healthy plant development and growth.  All living cells are formed from proteins and nitrogen is crucial to protein development in the grass plants. 

  • Potassium is necessary for your grass as it helps the plants resist disease and pests. It is a primary nutrient to improve the overall quality of the grass. In the cold winter and the heat of summer, potassium aids in protecting your grass from wilting and dying. 

  • Phosphorus is the final nutrient of the big three that make key changes to your grass. Since all plants create their own food through photosynthesis, phosphorus helps the grass make and store food. When a plant is deficient in phosphorus, it can die. 

Preventing Weeds 

Weed prevention is another key task that boosts the quality of your lawn. The best way to encourage thick, lush grass growth is to stop the weeds which can quickly take over. Preventing weeds means two applications per year.

A lawn care professional will apply pre-emergent weed killer to your lawn in the early spring to prevent weeds from germinating. This preventative forms a barrier over the weeds that are waiting to grow so they cannot germinate and flourish. 

The second application is in the fall once the grass stops growing. They apply a post-emergent weed killer to kill off the weeds that snuck through so they cannot return in the spring. The fewer weeds your lawn has, the healthier and thicker the stand of grass. 

Insects and Pests 

Along with weeds, insects and pests can do quite a lot of damage to your grass plants and roots. You have likely noticed the beetles that end up in your trees in the middle of summer, commonly called June bugs. These beetles eat the leaves from your trees but they get their start in the ground as grubs.

The beetles lay their eggs in the soil and as the eggs grow into grubs, the grubs dine on the tender roots of your grass. these grubs can wreak havoc on your lawn before you even know they are there. 

A lawn care service will prevent the grubs from damaging your grass and stop other insects from causing other problems. Preventing grubs and insects is crucial to maintaining the lawn you want. 

With their extensive knowledge and a team of professionals, you can rely on a skilled lawn care service to deliver the lush, green grass that you want in your landscape. 

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