How Landscaping Companies Use a Proactive Approach When Planning Out Your Lawn Care in Hudson, OH

How Landscaping Companies Use a Proactive Approach When Planning Out Your Lawn Care in Hudson, OH

Grass mowing and lawn care season will be here soon and you need to plan out your Hudson, OH lawn care plan. Securing a landscaping company to handle your lawn care can help you have a thriving, healthy stand of grass when they utilize proactive measures to get ahead of the problems that can mar your lawn.

Proactive lawn care means that they anticipate what your grass needs well before the application time. Weeds won’t stand a chance with their herbicide schedule and pests can’t ruin your lawn when they apply a preventative before the height of pest season.

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Feeding your grass can improve the health and boost your grass into the lush carpet of green you want. Unfortunately, the soil does not provide all the nutrition your grass plants and roots need to thrive and that is why fertilizer can be essential.

Fertilizer has three primary nutrients that feed the grass over time so your lawn can look healthy and inviting the entire season. Nitrogen is what gives your grass the building blocks to make protein, a critical component of making the tissue inside the plants.

Phosphorus helps the grass make and store energy through photosynthesis. It is essential to plant growth. Potassium helps your grass resist pests, disease, and withstand the extremes of summer heat and winter cold.

A landscaping company schedules fertilizer applications at the ideal times to give your grass what it needs to grow healthy and winter the cold months well.

Lawn Aeration

While lawn aeration happens in the fall most often, a landscaping company can also aerate the lawn in the spring. They arrive with an aerating machine that pulls small plugs out of the soil to allow the water, sun, and oxygen to reach the plant roots.

At the same time, they also apply fertilizer to feed the grass and spread new grass seed to fill in bare spots. This ensures your grass has time to grow new roots and should give your lawn a full, lush carpet of grass in the spring and summer.

Weed Prevention

Left untreated, weeds can overtake your lawn and ruin all the gorgeous grass. Weeds grow quickly and can overtake your grass, leaving you with a less than desirable lawn.

A landscaping company can apply pre-emergent herbicide in the early spring that acts as a barrier to weed germination. It keeps the weeds from sprouting. A post-emergent herbicide is applied in the fall to kill those sneaky weeds that got through and grew, preventing them from returning next spring.

Disease and Pest Prevention

Preventing disease and pests from destroying the grass plants and roots by feeding on them or killing them is another lawn care must. A landscaping company understands the need to make sure disease doesn’t take hold and kill off the grass.

Pests can burrow beneath the soil to eat the tender roots or they can infest the grass, making spending time in your yard difficult. The last thing you want to experience are ticks, fleas, and mosquitoes as you play with your kids.

Proper lawn care can be an ongoing process of feeding the grass and preventing issues that ruin all the hard work. You can rely on the expertise of a landscaping professional to deliver the lawn you desire.

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