A Greener Yard: The Benefits of Combining Lawn Mowing and Fertilization in the Moreland Hills and Chagrin Falls, OH Areas

A Greener Yard: The Benefits of Combining Lawn Mowing and Fertilization in the Moreland Hills and Chagrin Falls, OH Areas

A lush healthy lawn can be the crowning glory of your Moreland Hills and Chagrin Falls, OH Areas home and landscape design. When you want a greener yard that can withstand the heat of summer and the cold temperatures of winter, the combination of lawn mowing and fertilization can be part of what protects your grass throughout each season. Here are the undeniable benefits of a superior lawn care plan.

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Lawn Mowing in the Summer Season

While mowing the lawn might seem to be a simple process, the truth is that when it is not done properly, you can end up hurting the grass instead of helping it. There are some mowing essentials that you should heed when you cut the lawn.

First, the mower blades need to be very sharp for each mowing session. Otherwise, the blades can tear the grass plants which leaves ragged edges where diseases and pests can infiltrate to damage the grass. A clean cut on the grass’s edge can form a barrier where the plant can withstand anything that tries to take hold.

Second, the starting place of mowing should vary with each session. If you begin mowing the yard at the same place each week, that part of the lawn can be too short to protect the roots of the grass from the hot sun. Varying the starting spot can ensure that the lawn height is uniform and the various areas are high enough for proper protection.

Last, you might be tempted to mow the grass on a low mower setting so you don’t have to mow again for more than a normal week but this can undo all the lawn progress. The lower the grass height, the more direct sun the roots receive. This can cause them to lose important moisture and burn.

The Lawn and Fertilizer

Fertilizer is food for the grass which it needs several times per year. Depending on the type of grass you have, the ratio of nutrients in fertilizer aims to feed your lawn well for vigorous growth.

Nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium are the primary components of fertilizer. They work together to protect the grass plants from wilting in the summer heat and overwinter successfully. These nutrients are also responsible for how green the grass looks, how it repels insects and weeds, and creates its own food through chlorophyll.

Fertilizer should be applied in the early spring just as the weather is warming and the grass begins to grow once again. This feeding can be a crucial booster to your struggling grass.

A second fertilizer application happens in early summer to help the lawn weather the hot sun and possible drought. You might be tempted to skip this application but it can be the difference between a thick carpet of grass and a lawn with dead patches.

The third fertilizer application accompanies aeration in the fall when grass seeds are planted to fill in bare spots and thicken the entire lawn. A final fertilizer application should happen in late fall before winter arrives, giving the grass food to store for the coming winter.

Seasonal lawn mowing and the right fertilizer can be a winning combination to produce the lawn you envision.

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